Measuring the Success of Your Change Management Process

It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different result. In the business world, even when a plan of action isn’t working, it can be difficult to break from what’s routine. On the other hand, orchestrating change in an organized manner can be…

Setting up the Change Management Process for Success

Imagine this scenario: your company is preparing for organizational change now or in the coming months. Maybe you need to restructure in order to drive greater productivity and revenue. Or perhaps change management is necessary at your firm to complete a large merger or acquisition, smoothly and effectively. Regardless of the reason(s) for business transformation,…

Have you Modernized Your Employee Review Practices

Traditional business practices are being shaken up. Many companies are reviewing their long-held traditions in favor of more agile, responsive ways of managing workers. Some of these changes include providing employees with flexibility to work from home more often, and leveraging technology like Skype for Business or Yammer to better communicate and share information among…

How Company Benefits Can Motivate You to Remain Engaged

Did you know that 75 percent of employees prefer increased benefits rather than a raise? If you’re someone who finds more value and motivation in things like employee development, tuition reimbursement and even wellness programs, these figures from Glassdoor’s Q3 2015 Employment Confidence Survey probably don’t come as a surprise. However, if you are someone principally driven…

Retain Your Clients By Retaining Your Employees

Suppose you have a client who deals with a specific representative within your organization on a regular basis. Then that client starts to see multiple employees being funneled through that position. Every time the client contacts you, they’re dealing with a new person. What does this say to your client about your company? Countless negative…

How Company Benefits and Incentives Can Drive Employee Engagement

Recruiting and retaining top talent has a lot to do with the benefits and incentives offered at your company. Today, it can be difficult to discern what it is that really attracts employees, and then what continues to motivate them once they’ve been hired. There needs to be a balance between over-the-top perks like unlimited…

How to Stay Motivated During Times of Change and Uncertainty

Organizational and business strategy changes are an integral part of the working world. Revising workflows, modifying strategies and hiring new talent are all necessary adjustments that are parts of the ebb and flow of any successful company. Ultimately, change is the means by which organizations keep up with advancements in technology, variations in the job…

Working From Home – How Important Is It?

Recently, some large companies have curtailed the ability of their employees to work from home, now asking staff to work in corporate offices. These changes are focused on driving increased collaboration, creativity, mentoring and innovation, but may alienate top talent in the executive, managerial and professional labor market – a sector that has been candidate-driven…

How Managers Can Best Motivate Top-Performers

Top-performing employees are a critical force at your company, capable of 400 percent greater productivity than the average worker, according to research published in Personnel Psychology. Beyond their personal output, top talent inspire and motivate other employees to do their best work. Despite their production and leadership capabilities, top performers need to be motivated too,…